Thursday nights from 20:00 pm to 21:00 pm
on Parshat HaShavuah.
Sunday nights from 8 pm to 9 pm on Different Topics.
Join Zoom Meeting at:
Meeting ID: 2233445572
Rabbi David Levy has resumed
his Live Shabbat afternoon shiur on Parshat Hashavuah
Every Shabbat - 1 hour before Mincha
Yeshiva College Campus
cnr Long Avenue and Ridge Road
in the Beit HaRav Shul (big shul)
Rabbi David Levy has over 300 shiurim on Youtube.
Click on the NEW link below to listen to many interesting, and diverse topics
Monday nights at 20:00 pm
Chofetz Chaim shmirat Halashon shiur.
Wednesday mornings at 09:30 am
on Parshat HaShavuah.
Join Zoom Meeting at:
Meeting ID: 2233441985 Passcode: 12345
Sunday to Friday 8:15 am for 20 minutes on Parshat HaShavua with Rashi in Hebrew
Sunday to Friday at 12:00 Daf Yomi shiur in Hebrew
Sunday to Thursday at 16:30 pm Exploring the Mishna Bruria in English
Monday to Thursday at 18:10 pm Ein Yaakov shiur (Talmudic Associations) in English
Sunday to Thursday at 20:20 pm Daf Yomi shiur with explanations in English.
Sunday to Thursday at 21:00 pm Mishna Bruria with explanations in English
Join Zoom Meeting at:
Meeting ID: 3079330115
Monday nights at 20:00 pm
Shiur on Obligations of the Heart.
Join Zoom Meeting at:
Meeting ID: 3990645337
Passcode: RabbiG
Every Sunday at 10 am
Shiur on Authorship of the book of Psalms - The discovery of the Lost Text from Chassidei Ashkenaz.
Join Zoom Meeting at:
Meeting ID: 9493172557
Passcode: kotzkblog
Every Motzei Shabbat at 21:15 pm Israel Time
Shiur on Amira l'akum - Laws regarding what a gentile can and cannot do for a Jew on Shabbat
We are excited to welcome Rabbi Greszes to our online forum.
Rabbi Greszes was born in New York and made Aliyah in 2015. He served as a commander in the IDF and received his smicha at Netiv Aryeh in 2021. He currently lives in Israel.
Join Zoom Meeting at:
Meeting ID: 6715730618
Passcode: 340219